• Úvod
  • No meat on your menu? You deprive your body of the necessary collagen!

No meat on your menu? You deprive your body of the necessary collagen!

It is true – collagen, a protein indispensable for proper functioning of connective and fibrous tissues and perfect condition of your skin, hair and nails, is not present in pure vegetable food. Although you try to eat health, you unintentionally deprive yourself of a source of a very important constituent of your body.

Moreover, with increasing age, your body loses its ability to produce collagen and thus it is essential to ensure its regular supply by other means. Otherwise, lack of collagen results in breaking and cracking nails, crumbling teeth and dull hair, discomforting pain in joints and back occur, skin appears as if without life, and the face gets weakened despite sufficient supply of fruits, vegetables, or fish and dairy products. Collagen is that powerful.

No wonder that it is, as it forms up to 70% of the skin, or even up to one third of the weight of all proteins in the body or one tenth of the total weight of a human body! These are truly notable figures and thus it is apparent that collagen deficiency hurts our body. Getting out of shape is then the last thing one trying to live and eat healthy would want.

A big problem occurs when a woman, a vegetarian or even vegan, gets pregnant. In such a case, healthy growth of the foetus and health condition of the mother are literally at risk. During pregnancy, the mother’s body is a reserve of important constituents for the new human, and this is its priority. Briefly said, everything the body needs is first given to the baby, then the mother uses what is left. Thus, do not let your body suffer from lack of collagen during such an important stage of your life. Pregnancy is a great condition, during which you should be full of health, looking forward to having a healthy baby, instead of causing discomforting consequences to your body.

Thus, if you refuse to eat streaky meat, boiled knuckle or aspic for any reason, it is really necessary to supply collagen to your body in the form of tablets, particularly hydrolysed tablets. Only collagen in its soluble form can be maximally used by the body, however only if also having a steady supply of Vitamin C, which should not be a problem for you, who decided for a vegetarian diet.
You chose a healthy lifestyle, which is good for you, however only if you understand the term healthy in its truly complex meaning. The human body is an incredibly complicated system where everything is interrelated. The nature made us omnivores and let our body use every constituent of food in a certain way. Thus, once people try to trick the nature by means of sticking to one type of food, it is necessary to keep in mind that sooner or later the body will start asking for what it needs.

Thus, stay ahead and try to supply your body with everything it needs. If you do not eat meat, it is advisable to add Kolagen FORTE to your diet. Also, you do not have to be concerned about putting any chemical load on your body. RosenPharma a.s., the producer of Kolagen FORTE, fully respects one’s efforts at living a healthy life in maximum harmony with the nature. For this reason, all of the company’s products are built on a purely natural basis and provide non-invasive help to the human body where needed.


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